Arashi World

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Arashi World

It's A Stormy World Out There...

2 posters

    Looking for Lots of People!


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2008-12-30

    Looking for Lots of People! Empty Looking for Lots of People!

    Post by Admin Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:08 am

    We are looking for a few talented people to assist with the operation of this board.

    Anyone who would like to work on this board would have to be able to check the boards on a regular basis. They would also need to understand that communication is critical and that this could end up being a thankless job. (All volunteer work, baby!)

    These are the open positions and how many people we are looking to fill them:

    * Administrator (1)
    This person would assist with overseeing the board and putting out fires where needed. I would need to be able to trust this person with my life because they would have access to the same things that I do.

    * Moderator (3)
    Moderators would have the ability to delete and move posts, and would be responsible for make sure that forum and board rules are followed in their assigned categories.

    * Media People (5 max.)
    I would like to be able to start providing access to translated lyrics, articles, and perhaps even subbed videos. Unfortunately, neither I nor my techie-person speak Japanese well enough to do so and even do not have experience with any sort of video subbing. We are looking for people who would be willing to do this for us so that we do not have to "borrow" these things from other sites.

    If you are interested in any of the positions, please PM me with the following information:

    Your Real Name:
    Your Username:
    What position you would like:
    Do you have experience working with Invision forums before?
    Do you have any experience working with forums or message boards before? (Besides being a member of one.)(If so, which board(s)?)
    Why do you want this position?
    Why should we give you this position?

    If you are applying for a media person position, please link us to some of your work.

    All positions will be open until they are filled.

    If you have any questions, please PM me!

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2008-12-30

    Looking for Lots of People! Empty Re: Looking for Lots of People!

    Post by kaotic.anjel Sat May 02, 2009 12:01 pm

    Nobody interested?

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