Arashi World

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Arashi World

It's A Stormy World Out There...

    Selling / Trading / Buying Rules


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2008-12-30

    Selling / Trading / Buying Rules Empty Selling / Trading / Buying Rules

    Post by Admin Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:55 pm

    We are allowing this forum to exist because we know that there are a lot of people out there that need the money right now and that have extra stuff lying around their homes. There are also people looking for different items, especially Arashi-related stuff. But if too many problems occur in here (deadbeats who don't send the money or the item, people sending things that are not in acceptable condition, etc.) we may be forced to close this forum. So please follow the rules and treat others the way you'd like to be treated as if this were a real business.

    General Rules
    ~ Only one (1) Want List and Sale List per person. Do not create more than one, just edit the one you have.
    ~ When posting a list, please put this is the Subject line:
    WANT LIST (or) SALE LIST - your username

    This is so we can keep track of who has what kind of list. You do not have to create both a want list and a sale list, but you have the opportunity to.
    ~ If you don't have anything left on your want list or your sale list or just don't want to deal with it anymore, please edit the Subject line to say DELETE.
    ~ Do not bump your lists up more than once each per 24-hour period. (It's considered a bump any time you reply to your own post, therefore bumping it up in the listings.)
    ~ If you have any terms or guidelines that you'd like potential buyers/traders to know, please put them at the top of your post and make it clear that they are there.

    Sale / Trading Rules
    ~ Only sell / trade items that you have in your possession. Do not offer pre-sales if you cannot guarantee that you will have the item.
    ~ Please read the Forbidden Items list further down in this post. Yes, we do have forbidden items.
    ~ No advertising. Meaning, no posts that only say "I have lots of items for sale! To view them visit my (LJ/website/etc.)" If you have something to sell, make a list here.
    ~ Photos are not required, but suggested. And make sure that any item you list has a accurate description of at least the condition of the item.
    ~ Burnt CDs and DVDs can ONLY be traded. Do not sell or buy these items. If you are caught doing so, your list will be deleted and you will not be able to sell / trade here anymore.

    Buying Rules
    ~ Remember that you are buying at your own risk. There is nothing guaranteed about purchasing things on any forum. So if you don't feel comfortable doing so, please don't.
    ~ A binding contract is made when both parties exchange addresses. Do not agree to purchase something if you are not going to follow through on it. If something happens beyond your control, contact the seller instead of dropping off the face of the earth.
    ~ If you have unknowingly purchased a burnt DVD or CD, please contact an Admin. It would be helpful if you could screencap the listing so that we know that it was not listed as a burnt item.

    As we don't know if this forum is going to work out or not, we do not have a sophisticated feedback system in place as of yet. What we are planning to do, though is have a thread for feedback for each person active in this forum. More information will be given once this is in place. But you will be expected to leave feedback for each transaction, no matter what end you were on or if the transaction was completed satisfactorily.

    Forbidden Items
    While most items can be listed here, there are some things that cannot be sold and it is your responsibility to make sure that you are complying with the policy.

    It is also your responsibility to make sure the person to whom you are sending such items has no restrictions against such merchandise in the area in which they live. For example, Nazi-Related items are not allowed in France. Please use common sense and a vague sense of morality when listing items.
    Not only is selling of these items forbidden, but so is giving them away for "free", trading them, and promoting them anywhere in connection with LaundroMatic. This is applicable to sellers and buyers alike.

    While some items may not be forbidden, there are certain guidelines you must follow when selling them. These guidelines are spelled out below.

    * Alcohol, Firearms, Weapons, and Tobacco Because this site is specifically geared to a minor teenage audience, the sale of any item that has alcohol and tobacco content (as well as any item that is a firearm or a weapon) is strictly prohibited. A weapon is defined as any object created with the intent to inflict harm, in self defense or otherwise, and this includes artifacts. Certain laws and restrictions go along with selling these items, and because the identity of a person is nearly impossible to verify over the Internet, selling such merchandise is forbidden by law.
    * Credit Cards, Government IDs, and Licenses The sale of any type of identification, license, or credit card, fake or otherwise, is not allowed. There are certain avenues one must take to obtain these things, and bypassing these is most definately illegal.
    * Counterfeit and Stolen Items Because theft and counterfeiting are illegal practices, any merchandise that results as a product of such activities goes against the law and is not allowed on this site.
    * Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, and Medical Devices The sale of any type of drug, prescription, storebought, illegal, or otherwise, is not allowed on our servers. This includes any food or herbal products that may have the same effects as a drug, such as wild mushrooms and st. john's wort. Medical devices and drug paraphernalia are forbidden because of the risks and legal issues involved.
    * Recalled & Embargoed Goods Items that are from prohibited countries are not to be placed on our servers. For example, a toy from Cuba would be forbidden. Also, items that have been recalled are not to be sold.
    * Animal, Wildlife, and Human Parts No creature, living or dead, may be offered on this board. This is due not only to legal concerns, but ethical concerns as well. This includes parts of the creature, and items including parts of the creature, including but not limited to fetuses, wastes, fluids, organs, bones, and toe/fingernail clippings. Items that include hair or hide (such as lockets or leather purses) are allowed.
    * Food. There are certain government regulations concerning the sale of food, and because these restrictions are so copious and varied, it is up to you as a seller to decide whether or not your item would be safe and legal to place for sale or trade.
    * Used Clothing. While we advocate the sale and exchange of used clothing, there are certain guidelines that must be followed. All clothing must be washed before any exchange takes place, in accordance with certain health and legal concerns.
    * Adult Oriented Items. This board is geared towards a demographic of young adults from minors to mid to late 20's, so sale of adult items is strictly prohibited. An adult items is defined as any form of pornography or an item so sexual in nature as to require an age limit to purchase.
    * Miscellaneous The following items are not allowed: fireworks, ammunition, explosives, matches, welding materials, nuclear waste, any item meant to decrease the quality/length of human, animal, or plant life, contracts, time shares, tickets, plants, automobiles, real estate, items that may pose a manifest risk of harm to those who recieve, ship or send it, any material that violates someone's privacy, mailing lists, pirated software, pirated music (ripped CDs, copies of tapes, et cetera), frequent flier miles, hazardous materials, lottery tickets, blowtorches, dirt, stocks and related items, any item that when bought, sold, shipped, transported, or in someone's possession is illegal or could result in liability, medical/therapuetic services, materials seriously describing, inciting, documenting or depicting illegal acts, virginity or other sexual favors, joke/fake auctions, postage meters, and advertisements. An advertisement is defined as a listing in which no item is actually being sold, and instead a certain service, list, website, or otherwise is being displayed instead.
    (This list was altered using Laundromatic's Forbidden Items Policy.)

    If you have any questions about this policy or any of the rules listed on this page, please contact an Admin.

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