Arashi World

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Arashi World

It's A Stormy World Out There...

    The Rulebook


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2008-12-30

    The Rulebook Empty The Rulebook

    Post by Admin Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:07 am

    Like anywhere, there are rules here. We'd like to think that we're a pretty easy-going board and that these rules shouldn't be too hard to follow. We're pretty lenient on the content that can be posted in these forums, but how you post is just as important as what you post.

    ~ No One-word posts
    This was supposed to be a no double-posting rule, but when we thought about it, it seemed more important to make sure that there weren't any posts with one word or just a couple of words. Make sure that every post means something. Don't just go "Kawaii!" or "He looks hot there." or something along those lines.

    ~ Post in the Right Place
    If you're not sure which forum your post should go into, please just post it in the Rainbucket forum and one of the admins or mods will move it to the proper forum. But don't make this a habit. Learn which forum different posts should go into. If the Rainbucket forum is being abused because people don't want to post in the right place, it will be deleted.

    ~ No Flaming
    Flaming is being intentionally hostile or insulting to members of this community or anyone else, for that matter. Please treat others with respect.

    ~ No Hotlinking Unless Told To Do So
    Hotlinking is when you directly link an image/page from another site, from their webspace, stealing their bandwidth. Do not hotlink from this site to any other. The only time hotlinking is acceptable is when the hosting site is requesting that you link back to them or link directly to the image, video, etc. (Or when you are posting an image from a photo hosting site.)

    ~No discussion of politics or religion
    Not that there’s anything wrong with either, but discussions on these subjects can easily get very heated and people can get upset and hurt. A fan forum is not the place for such topics.

    ~ No netspeak
    You may be used to telling your friends that something is “gr8” when you text them, but please don’t use such abbreviations on the forum. It makes your post extremely difficult to read for members who are not used to such a language. There are certain things you can use, like LoL, but only in moderation. Don't fill your post with them.

    ~ Please type properly.
    Don't TyPe LyKe Dis or any other form of that. It's hard to read and kind of irritating.

    Failure to comply with these rules could result in a warning, or being banned from the board altogether.

    We reserve the right to make changes to these rules at any time (we will let you know by an announcement), effective immediately.
    If you get a message from us that a post has been edited or if we leave a message in a certain forum with a warning, please accept that it is meant to be constructive and helpful.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 16, 2024 6:23 am